20 February 2018

Li Bai: 3 Verses to the Tune of Qing and Ping (for Lady Yang) 李白: 清平調 3首

Today, the 5th day of the Chinese Lunar New Year, I am posting again my rendition of 3 verses "To the Tune of Qing and Ping (for Lady Yang)" by the great Chinese "poet immortal" Li Bai (701-762).  They had been posted here (see links) some years ago in June, August and October 2010.  I hope you will enjoy them:-

A:  Li Bai (701-762) "To the Tune of Qing and Ping (for Lady Yang) 1 of 3" 

In clouds, I think of her raiment, in flowers, see her face,
Blooming, beaming by the railing, in Zephyr’s dewy embrace.
‘Tis only on Hills of Emerald, might such a beauty be seen, else 
By moonlight at Jasper Terrace, be blest to encounter her grace.

Translated by Andrew W.F. Wong (Huang Hongfa) 
15th January 2010 (revised 18.1.10; 20.1.10; 21.1.10; 9.2.10; 26.2.10)
Translated from the original - 
李白: 清平調 3首 其1


B:  Li Bai (701-762) "To the Tune of Qing and Ping (for Lady Yang) 2 of 3"

Ablush, abloom, O peony, your fragrance dewdrops retain!
That nymph of mists and mizzles, was a rendezvous dreamt in vain;
And who in the courts of old times, your beauty might match? I ask.
‘Twas (pity!) the pretty Feiyan, while her new paint was yet to wane.

Translated by Andrew W.F. Wong (Huang Hongfa) 
譯者: 黃宏發
23rd January 2010 (revised 25.1.10; 4.2.10; 10.2.10; 7.4.10)
Translated from the original - 
李白: 清平調 3首 其2


C:  Li Bai (701-762) "To the Tune of Qing and Ping (for Lady Yang) 3 of 3"

Famed peony, fairest lady----in love requited, in bliss,
With the monarch’s eyes, all smiles, to find you, never miss.
North of the Agar Pavilion, by the railing together you lean,
Zephyr’s moods melancholic, to dispel, disperse, dismiss.

Translated by Andrew W.F. Wong (Huang Hongfa) 
譯者: 黄宏發
7th April 2010 (revised 8.4.10; 15.10.10) 
李白: 清平調 3首 其3


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